Lead By Design
Go from stuck in indecision & second guessing to purposefully leading your life through your Human Design

Ready to discover your inner compass so you can lead your life with clarity, confidence, and purpose?
Enter your name and email below to receive your roadmap:
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Have you...

  • Looked at your Human Design Chart online and just felt SO overwhelmed! Wondering... What are those lines, numbers... Why are there shapes?! Maybe you were even too overwhelmed to seek out a session with someone.
  • Seen all this "Human Design" stuff online and you're just wondering what it really is before you spend more time on it?
  • Felt frozen in time? You feel the calling to more but you're feeling stuck on where to begin. Or maybe you've tried #allthethings and nothing seems to be working.
  • Lost yourself. Through the years of conditioning, your past stories and all of the labels you've picked up over the years. You want to know, like, and trust yourself.
  • Felt unseen and under appreciated? You want to feel lit up by life, but you're feeling bitter by the way it's currently going.
  • Felt frustrated or just down right mad... You're starting to feel resentful with people and even projects that you once loved.

I hear you!

Human Design came into my life during a season of grief, loss, and a lot of bitterness... 
Learning my energy taught me how I could show up and lead from a space of ease.
It also healed what leading actually means to me. I don't have to be the boldest, the loudest, or the one doing the most in the room.
I lead by being me.

My goal with Human Design is to make it something you effortlessly weave into your life.
That's why I made this toolkit for you! It's your starter kit to getting to know yourself deeper. No matter what chapter of life you face, the one constant is YOU. You will always be there.

Knowing yourself is the best gift you can give yourself and the world.

In This Toolkit You'll Receive:

  • A Deep Dive into the layers of your chart -- I'll show you what each aspect means and how it supports you to step into your purpose

  • Answers to those questions you have like -- What the heck are those numbers?! Why are there so many colors?!

  • Action steps & prompts -- Designed to integrate your unique Human Design

  • ​BONUS: Energy Clearing -- Call Your Energy Back To Yourself, a meditation to step into your design and clear any second guessing, should-ing, or people pleasing you may be carrying

Hello beautiful soul!

I'm Megan Seamans international life coach + Human Design Guide. 

I've been called the Clarity Queen (and yes, it's in my Human Design). I help people go from overwhelmed and uncertain to crystal clear, confident and purpose.

I want you to drop the stories and labels. 
Ditch that inner people pleaser. 
Say goodbye to comfort zones.
And stop second guessing yourself once and for all!

So you can step up to lead your life!

Whether that's leading loudly & boldly or leading quietly & and in your own courageous way. You get to write this story.

You were made with magic written into your DNA, let's reawaken it again together, shall we?!

As Seen In...

It's time to shine by design!
Copyright 2022 | meganseamans.com